Wire and cable

    Network products




  Underground¨C In duct communication cable£º
  Underground ¨C In duct communication cable

Underground ¨C In duct communication cable
Application:        Designed for telephone exchange center or the relay of intervals, which can
                           be laid in underground.
Feature:              The spaces between core and shield are can filled with jelly to prevent the 
                           cable from the invasion of water and corrosive elements.
          Plain copper 0.4 to 0.9 mm
Insulation:           Solid, foam-skin, cellular PE
Cabling:              Pair or quad; unit and sub-unit
Size:                   10 to 2400 pairs
                           Water penetration: Filling compound (if specified)
Moisture barrier: Aluminium polylaminated tape
Sheath:               PE

Please Entry NO. Write and cable :

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