Wire and cable

    Network products




  Extra Flexible Plenum Cables/Five or more Conductors-Unshielded
  Extra Flexible Plenum Cables/Five or more Conductors-Unshielded

  Extra Flexible Plenum Cables/Five or more Conductors-Unshielded
LOW-Smoke PVC Insulation and Jacket

Bunched strand annealed bare copper
Insulation:   Low smoke PVC
                     color coded
Cable:          conductors cabled
Jacket:        Low smoke PVC jacket
                     temperature range  -20 to +60C
Packaging: Spools or reels
                     REELEX boxes
                     INTERCOM SYSTEM
                     ENERGY MANAGEMENT
Part No. No. of corns AWG size

Conr. Strand

Nominal Insulation thickness Nominal jacket thickness Nominal outer diameter Nominal capaci-
Weight LBS/
inches mm inches mm inches mm
DZ332103 5 22 7/30bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .155 3.94 25 20
DZ332104 6 22 7/30bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .170 4.32 25 24
DZ332105 8 22 7/30bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .190 4.83 33 30
DZ332106 10 22 7/30bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .215 5.46 33 35
DZ332107 15 22 7/30bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .250 6.35 33 50
DZ332113 5 20 7/28bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .180 4.57 30 30
DZ332123 5 18 7/26bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .200 5.08 33 40
DZ332124 6 18 7/26bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .220 5.59 33 50
DZ332125 7 18 7/26bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .230 5.84 33 57
DZ332126 8 18 7/26bare .008 .20 .015 .38 .245 6.22 33 85
DZ332133 5 16 19/29bare .013 .33 .015 .38 .285 6.73 33 60

Nylon rip cord under jacket
Capacitance: (pt/ft)
* Mutual (conductor to conductor)
Standard Box or Reel Size: 1000ft
Standard Jacket Color: White
Color Code: 1 Black  2 red 3 white 4 green 5 brown 6 blue 7 orange 8 yellow 9 purple 10 gray 11 pink 12 tan 13 -wht/blk 14 -wht/red 15 wht/grn

Please Entry NO. Write and cable :

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