Wire and cable

    Network products




  Broadcast Cables£º
  Broadcast Cables 

  Broadcast Cables 
Polyethylene Insulation
Conductor:    bunched strand annealed tinned copper
Insulation:   solid polypropylene 
                   color coded
Cable:         overall aluminum/polyester shield
                   stranded tinned copper drain wire
Jacket:        PVC jacket
                   temprature range -20 to +60C
Packaging: Spools or reels
                   REELEX boxes
Part No. NO.OF CONRS. AWG size Conrs.Strand
Nominal insulation thickness Nominal jacket thickness Nominal Outer diameter Nominal capaci£­


inches mm inches mm inches mm * **
DZ330500 1pair 24 7/32tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .170 4.32 22 40 2092 15
DZ330501 1pair 22 7/30tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .180 4.57 25 45 2092 15
DZ330502 3 22 7/30tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .190 4.83 23 41 2093 20
DZ330503 4 22 7/30tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .205 5.21 22 40 2094 25
DZ330504 1pair 20 7/28tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .195 4.95 29 52 2092 25
DZ330505 3 20 7/28tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .205 5.21 27 49 2093 30
DZ330506 4 20 7/28tinned .016 .41 .025 .64 .225 5.72 26 47 2094 35
DZ330507 1pair 18 7/26tinned .018 .46 .028 .71 .230 5.84 25 45 2092 30
DZ330508 3 18 7/26tinned .018 .46 .028 .71 .240 6.10 25 45 2093 40
DZ330509 1pair 16 19/29tinned .030 .76 .030 .76 .295 7.49 24 43 2106 45
DZ330510 3 16 19/29tinned .030 .76 .030 .76 .315 8.00 27 49 2107 55
£«DZ330511 1pair 14 19/27tinned .032 .81 .035 .89 .345 8.78 26 47 2106 60
£«DZ330512 1pair 12 19/25 tinned .037 .94 .040 1.02 .400 10.16 28 50 2106 90

Nylon rip cord under jacket.
* Mutual (conductor to conductor)
**One conductor and others connected to shield
STANDARD Box or Spool Size:1000 ft
STANDARD Jacket Color:Gray

color code

UL styles & voltages:

Drain wire

1-Black -UL 2092 300 volts 24 AWG 24 7/32 tinned
2-Clear -UL 2093 300 volts 22 AWG 24 7/32 tinned
3-Red -UL 2094 300 volts 20 AWG 20 7/28 tinned
4-Green -UL 2106 300 volts 18 AWG 20 7/28 tinned
-UL 2107 300 volts 16 AWG 18 7/26 tinned
14 AWG 16 19/29 tinned

Please Entry NO. Write and cable :

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