Wire and cable

    Network products




  Each Pair Shielded-with one common drain wire£º
  Each Pair Shielded-with one common drain wire CM CL3 PVC Inaulation
  Conductor:   bunched strand tinned bare copper
Insulation:    colored PVC
                    color coded
Shield:         individually shielded pairs
                    alumium/polyster shield over each pair
                    cabled on a common axis to reduce diameter
Jacket:         PVC jacket
                    temprature range -20 to +60C
Packaging:  Spools or reels
                    REELEX boxes
Part No. No.of pairs AWG size Conrs.Strand
Nominal insulation thickness Nominal jacket thickness Nominal Outer diameter Nominal capaci£­


inches mm inches mm inches mm * **
DZ330730 2 22 7/30 bare .010 .25 .020 .51 .160 4.06 51 90 22

Nylon rip cord under jacket.
Drain wire size: 24 7/32 tinned copper
* Mutual (conductor to conductor)
**One conductor and others connected to shield
STANDARD Box or Spool Size:1000 ft
STANDARD Jacket Color:Gray
Color code: 
pair #1. black and red
pair #2. green and white

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